Come on man. Sign the contract.
You have a unique opportunity to join a team that WILL win the championship again. Don't worry about who's "running the team". The Last player that "ran" the team was Magic.
Don't trip, just sign and contribute.
If you are lucky, you could rebuild yourself into a wicked, tall guard that could defend around the elbows and learn how to pass into the post. Last year with the Timberwolves you had the lowest points, assists, rebounds & steals tallied in your entire career.

The Wolves' would trade you for 'Rookie Spree'
HE could at least bang on fools, shake rims
and make defenders shit themselves.

You averaged MORE points, assists, rebounds & steals in your

DOC, is this 1992 ? No, Spree already choked Carlesimo. DAMN !
If you come here thinking that you will be 'getting over' by playing toward a better paycheck after that 'Vince Carter' inspired tank job in Minnesota, think again.

Phillip would rahter psycho babble your ass into a straight jacket and encourage Kobe to manipulate the press by going to visit your mental ward to share the freestyles he wrote the last time you made a difference in the playoffs. You think that's bad ?

L.A. fans are accused of everything from being snobs and showy to whatever else middle america can see on TV. One thing is for sure, we bust our asses at work to sit in traffic and see the Lake Show. Road Rage is something you don't want to mess with after doing a tank job -- my girlfriend got her lips injected for the game.
Come on man.
While you shoot free throws during the game and I'm talking on my cell phone remember this...
Aw Fuck it.
I can't fake it. Real Laker fans can't even afford to go to the games.
But we'll be awfully pissed at the sports bar, buddy.
If Spree is "for real", sign the deal.

At 10/01/2005 12:17 PM,
tim andren said…
Spree's agent has been on a bender trying to get the hype up on him to get signed somewhere. I guess the Lakes only have 2 or 2.5 mil and he wants more. It makes sense to me but I think the Knicks might be in the works too.
At 10/02/2005 10:51 AM,
tim andren said…
Maybe he won't sign because it's not enough money "to feed his kids". Oh, and I found this for you on Kwame.... http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=2178688
At 10/12/2005 1:30 PM,
Buck Goldman said…
Yeah, we'll see now with the preseason underway with Smush Parker at the "point"
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